"What gets measured gets improved."


Our Services

Fruit Evaluation

When it comes to harvest, Provar performs visual and sensory fruit evaluation and characterisation of fruit according to size distribution and total weight.

Tree Evaluation

We perform tree evaluation by monitoring tree characteristics at every stage, providing you with the full phenological sequence from budbreak to harvest, optimal harvest time and yield potential.

Storage Evaluation

Provar evaluates the storage potential and shelf-life of your cultivars. We also identify fruit disorders with great attention to detail.


Variety Data Management Software

Culteva serves evaluators in their pursuit to collect data and compare the phenotypic characteristics of plant material under evaluation. This easy to use tool lightens the load when performing evaluation tasks - making data collection paperless and effortless on a smartphone or handheld device. Powerful reports provide a visual insight to your evaluation data and can easily be shared with colleagues or clients. Standardized protocols on Culteva ensure accurate and comparable data between varieties, across evaluation sites and countries. Culteva features improve traceability of plant- and harvest-samples with unique identifiers associated with QR-Codes.

Visit Culteva

Provar Tastings

Home of Provar Hosted Tastings

Provar hosts a bi-weekly tasting event at the Provar Laboratory in Paarl. During exhibitions, breeders, IP owners and licensees are able to showcase and promote their new and exciting fruit cultivars. Tasters can then rate these fruit selections based on a standard set of visual and sensory characteristics according to their spontaneous appreciation of the products. Evaluations occur in a structured and controlled manner ensuring standardized responses for objective comparison.

Visit Provar Tastings

Latest News



Mar 27, 2024 by Kyra Rensburg

Provar’s well-known fruit tastings showcase the latest cultivars and selections that belong to IP representatives and fruit breeders. The fruit tasting provides an opportunity for industry and consumers to taste, discuss and see the samples, simultaneously Provar gains valuable insight from the cultivar ratings. Read More

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